Boulevardier Cocktail & Bon Jovi-Bounce

Привет-Привет, Все-Все!

Нарыл тут этакое великолепие.

Boulevardier Cocktail


Garnish:Lemon or orange zest twist

45 ml Maker’s Mark bourbon
30 ml Martini Rosso
30 ml Campari Bitter

How to make:
STIR all ingredients with ice and strain into chilled glass.
Basically a Negroni with bourbon replacing gin. A combo which Negroni lovers should try.
The Boulevardier was made for Erskine Gwynne by Harry McElhone at his Harry’s New York Bar in Paris and the drink appears in his 1927 book, Barflies and Cocktails.

Like Harry, Erskine Gwynne was an American expatriate, but he was also a socialite, nephew of railroad tycoon Alfred Vanderbilt and most importantly for this story, edited a monthly magazine called The Boulevardier, hence the drink’s name.

Вроде обычно, как негрони, а понравилось больше, использовал мартини биттер.

И тута мне нравится )

До завтрашнего опуса, Ваш Доктор.

Sundowner #1 & Stone Temple Pilots — Naked Sunday

И снова Всем мой пламенный привет!

Я снова пытаюсь освободить место на полках, допивая свой армянский коньяк.

Sundowner #1


Garnish:Orange zest twist

60 ml Cognac V.S.O.P.
15 ml Grand Marnier liqueur
15 ml Freshly squeezed orange juice
15 ml Freshly squeezed lemon juice
22 ml Chilled water (omit if wet ice)

How to make:
SHAKE all ingredients with ice and fine strain into chilled glass.
Cognac and orange served ‘up’.
This cocktail is popular in South Africa where it is made with locally produced brandy and a local orange liqueur called Van der Hum.

Ван дер хум пока в мечтах. Но результат и на Грандмарнье неплох.

Что-то есть в этой группе интересного.

Fish House Punch #1 & Коррозия Металла — Crazy House

И снова я рад Всех видеть, пусть и не всех очно !

Fish House Punch #1


Garnish:Lemon slice & dust with grated nutmeg

30 ml Cognac V.S.O.P.
30 ml Bacardi Gold Rum
22 ml Crème de pêche de vigne liqueur
22 ml Freshly squeezed lemon juice
8 ml Sugar syrup (1 water : 2 sugar)
60 ml Chilled water

How to make:
SHAKE all ingredients with ice and strain into ice-filled glass.
This fruit laced mix is neither too sweet, nor too strong. It is perfect.
Probably the most famous of all punch recipes this believed to have originated at a Philadelphia fishing and social club called the ‘State in Schuylkill Fishing Corporation’ which was established in 1732 with a club house built on the banks of Pennsylvania’s Schuylkill River (pronounced Skoo-kul). When the drink was first made here is unknown but drinks historian David Wondrich says the first written reference to the Fish House Punch appeared in 1794.

Others say it was first made in 1848 by Shippen Willing of Philadelphia to celebrate women being allowed into the Fish House for the first time for a Christmas Party. Whatever the origin, as with all traditional punch recipes, this would have originally been mixed in larger quantities and served from a punch bowl. Many modern variations use soda water (club soda) in place of mineral water. The inclusion of peach liqueur is a modern substitute for the traditional barrel-aged peach brandy. However, some believe the Schuylkill original omitted peach entirely.

The following poem may be recited when serving a Fish House Punch.

There’s a little place just out of town,
Where, if you go to lunch,
They’ll make you forget your mother-in-law
With a drink called Fish-House Punch.

Куча английских букв, зачем-то. Результат неплохой, но уж прям не этакий.

Разбавим буржуем отечественным металлопромом. Колбасился я как то в своё время под их пластинки )

До завтра, Ваш Доктор.

Севастополь. День ВМФ.

Всем привет.Мы живы и продолжаем пить вино
Сегодня с утра и до 12 ночи на празднике.
Это что-то. Ребёнок ошалел. парад, экскурсии по действующим кораблям, стрельбы и весьма грандиозный фейерверк и ночное купание ) Кстати, Инкерман почти сам начал делать весьма неплохое шампанское ) Во вторник в Ялту и далее по ЮБК.

До связи, Ваш Доктор и семья.

Orange Brulée & Alice Cooper — Brutal Planet

Зравствуйте, Друзья !

Допивал какой-то коньяк ) А, вроде десятилетка армянская, раритетная.

Orange Brulée


Garnish:Dust with chocolate powder

45 ml Amaretto liqueur
45 ml Grand Marnier liqueur
22 ml Cognac V.S.O.P.
8 ml Double (heavy) cream — надо добавить чуток !!!

Суууупер! Нужен в хозяйстве амаретто, всяко нужен )

How to make:
SHAKE first three ingredients with ice and fine strain into chilled glass. FLOAT thin layer of cream over drink and turn glass to spread evenly.
A great looking, beautifully balanced after-dinner drink.
Created in 2005 by Xavier Laigle at Bar le Forum, Paris, France.

Старикан тут чегой-то ожесточился неплохо.

До завтра, Ваш Дохтур.